PyNVM: A Python Interface to PMDK ================================= This framework aims to bring NVM (*non-volatile memory*)/SCM (*storage-class memory*) technology functionality to the Python ecosystem. The PyNVM package provides an 'nvm' namespace that contains several sub-packages. These packages wrap the sub-modules provided by `PMDK: Persistent Memory Development Kit `_. Most of the sub-modules are relatively thin wrappers around the corresponding PMDK API calls, with some scaffolding to make them more easily used from Python. The :mod:`~nvm.pmemobj` submodule provides a fully Pythonic interface to persistent memory, allowing the easy persistence of Python objects via a :class:`~nvm.pmemobj.PersistentObjectPool`. Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 intro getting_started pmemobj_tutorial pmem pmemlog pmemblk pmemobj changelog license .. note:: This framework is in active development and it is still in beta release. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`